Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
The very best care and early years education.
At Bottesford Bunnies, we aim to provide the very best care and early years education for all our children.
Our goal is to give children the best possible start in life, in order for them to reach their full potential. We therefore pride ourselves on being an inclusive setting, recognising that all children should have the opportunity to experience a challenging and enjoyable programme of learning and development. Hence, we are keen to work with children with special educational needs and disabilities.
At Bottesford Bunnies, we comply and adhere to the SEND Code of Practice 2017, the Equality Act 2010, and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2024.
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the early years is of paramount importance. We ensure early action is taken to identify and support any SEND and/or emerging needs. We have a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities policy, which details how we support children in practice, this includes how we use the graduated approach to assess, plan, do (take action) and review, making certain the effectiveness of the support being provided has a positive impact on a child’s progress.
The graduated approach is led and co-ordinated at Bottesford Bunnies by a trained SENCO who works closely with our educators to ensure children with additional needs/disabilities are supported thoroughly.
Please see www.northlincslocaloffer/childcare for more information.

Friendly atmosphere plus quality SEND care
We have experience of working with children who have complex additional needs. We also have experience of working alongside other professional agencies, including the Speech and Language Therapy Service, the Early Years Inclusion Team, and health visitors. Our team are also experienced in Education, Health and Care plans to ensure children are supported to the best of our abilities.
The accessibility of our setting is also of vital importance to us, in enabling us to work with children with SEND.
The pre-school building is situated on one floor and has a ramp leading up to the front entrance. We also have disabled toilet facilities situated off the main room for easy access. Our outdoor provision is also all on one level, so all children can have full access around the building in a safe and secure environment.
Bottesford Bunnies is committed to working with parents whose children have special educational needs and disabilities. This is fundamental in meeting their specific individual needs. We recognise parents are the children’s first and most enduring educators, and as such we talk to parents if we have concerns about children’s emerging difficulties. As a pre-school, we believe that when we work in partnership with parents, the results have a positive impact on children’s learning and development.
Helping children to flourish
Special educational needs don’t need to stop your child getting the care and education they deserve – Bottesford Bunnies offer expert SEND care.
Call us now on
01724 863 102