Play, Learn, Grow at Bottesford Bunnies!

Busy Bear and Busy Bunny

At Bottesford Bunnies we have a teddy bear called Busy Bear and a rabbit called Busy Bunny.

Children are encouraged to take Busy Bear and Busy Bunny home with them, so they can join in with family life for a few days, specifically for children who are taking time to settle in to pre-school. Parents can show us their adventures through our online platform Parentzone.

Busy Bear enjoys meeting and playing with new friends. He loves to go out and about, he loves cuddles and snuggles and he enjoys stories, rhymes and songs. He understands all languages and likes children to talk to him in their own language.

Give us a call

You can find out more about how your children will learn through play at our pre-school by getting in touch.
Call us now on
01724 863 102